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  • AlicefromEssex

Plan for this blog

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

Some posts to look forward to (also a note to self on what I need to get writing)

Category - Social Justice

Why this category? yeah, I'm not going to shy away from politics and social issues. All spheres of our lives intersect and you can't leave your identity, your pain, and your trauma at the temple door. The spirit world is full of the dead who lived lives shaped by colonial oppression, politics, and social upheaval that we still experience today. If we want to make sure future generations of the living and dead can be free of suffering. If we hope to cultivate truly inclusive spaces and build a community we need to do the work. Esp for those of us who feel we know everything but haven't even read a book on social justice printed in the last decade. Esp for those who enter a sacred space and want the freedom to be themselves and avoid the hate, microaggressions, and colonialism that oppressed them and their communities for centuries.

  • How to step up being an anti-fascist Heathen and Lokean

  • How Inclusive Heathen Spaces left me disillusioned and how I have hope

  • Mutual Aid in Lokean, pagan and heathen spaces

  • Resources on building inclusive community spaces

  • We've always been here - How LGBTQA heathens are not 'Modern or Disney influenced'

  • Ableism in sacred spaces - Sickness is not a curse

  • Patriarchy in Heathen and Pagan spaces - How we can do better

  • Removing ableism in worship and magic

  • Importance of building non-abusive relationships with gods

  • What Pagans and Heathens misunderstand about cultural appropriation

  • How to know and react to the differences between Anger and Hate

  • How to make your own anti-fascist reading list

  • Maintaining love and self-care in Inclusive pagan, Lokean and heathen spaces

  • The influences of the Reformation in heathenry

  • Resources that fall under 'not my lane' but voices to listen to

Category - Loki Veneration

Let's not forget why we are here. To venerate the one who never shied to speak their mind and not only themselves but shapeshift into any form they liked.

  • Building your first Altar to Loki

  • How to give offerings to Loki

  • Loki Recipes

  • Loki Herbs

  • Loki in the elements

  • Loki Animals

  • Cultivating a connection and communication with Loki

  • Getting to know Loki's family and friends

  • Between lore and worship - Getting to know Loki

  • Ancestor Veneration is for those from broken homes

  • Venerating Queer gods and ancestors

  • Community rituals - ideas from the past for now

  • Godspouses should never be taboo

  • Veneration is not therapy, but some self-care helps

Category - Cunning magic

Loki veneration and my magic practice do blend but it felt good to give the cunning craft side its own place. While my practice is in secret there are parts I want to share with beginners the info I wish I knew. To help myself and others cultivate better spiritual practice. To give a critical eye to the old and invent something new.

  • Working with spirits - cultivating good relations

  • Opening your eyes in a ritual

  • The good, the bad, and the ugly of the past Cunning Craft

  • House, ancestors, land spirits, and more

  • Divination as a diagnosis of spiritual woes - a lesson in never assuming

  • Learning your magic language and alphabet

  • The elements and getting to know them

  • Moody ghosts and how to appease them

  • How to read old stories for magic

  • Divination series how to

Category - Poetry

Poems innit.

  • Poetry for Funerals and deaths

  • Poetry for love

  • Poetry for the spirits

  • Riddles


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